The essential guide to all things planned giving in Canada.
What you can find inside:
"Any gift of significant size made with forethought about the benefit to the charity, and the financial implications to the donor and the donor’s family is a planned gift."
"In our changing world, revenues from such traditional sources no longer keep pace with widening needs and spiralling costs. Clearly, it’s time to dig new wells — not an easy undertaking when we’re pumping ever more frantically at the old ones!"
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Updated for 2024 and beyond
Dr Frank Minton has helped shape the planned giving industry as we know it today. He is a recognized expert on charitable gift annuities and is the principal author of Charitable Gift Annuities: the Complete Resource Manual.
In addition to his work in the United States, Frank has played a critical role in the development of planned giving in Canada. He founded and for nearly ten years served as director of the planned/major gifts course in Banff, now run by CAGP as the "Original Course". He also co-authored with Lorna Somers Planned Giving for Canadians, and he continued to update that publication for 20 years. As a result of his familiarity with the Canadian tax system pertaining to charitable giving, he often deals with cross-border issues pertaining to charitable gifts. In 1997 he was a recipient of the “Friend of Canadian Association of
Gift Planners” award, and recently received the Association’s lifetime achievement award.
Lorna Somers is recognized internationally as the foremost teacher/trainer in the field of institutional advancement in higher education and is herself an experienced and accomplished practitioner in her 30th year of practice at McMaster University in Canada.
Somers has been working in University Advancement at McMaster University since 1988. During that time, she has been involved in the establishment and growth of the Annual Fund, Gift Planning, Major and Principal Giving, and the Recognition & Stewardship programs. She has been Campaign Director for two university-wide comprehensive campaigns. Somers currently focuses her attention on working closely with senior academic leaders and volunteers to secure principal level gifts, (most notable among them, the largest cash gift to a Canadian university), and to leading McMaster’s new Brighter World Research Initiative.
Planned Giving For Canadians 2024 is edited by: